Mission of “METIZI” J.S.Co.:

Highly qualified and professional service of Clients in accordance with the requirements of the introduced international standards in the company.

Main aims of “METIZI” J.S.Co.:

  • Constant improvement of the work process and quality of products;

  • Irrevocable observing of the terms and conditions of the order contracts;

  • No claims;

  • Constant extension at the international market.

Declaration by the higher management of “METIZI” J.S.Co.

The integrated system management policy of the management of “METIZI” J.S.Co is directed toward constant improvement of the quality of the product and health and safety during execution of the activity.

ISO 9001:2015

“METIZI” J.S.Co has developed, implemented and maintains an effective management system (QMS) based on the principles of ISO 9001: 2015. System Quality Management includes the processes of producing lightning cables, insulated aluminum and aluminum-steel wires, steel ropes with different constructions and use of slings and steel ropes.

Management system OHS

The company has developed and implemented a management system for health and safety. Its policy on health and safety at work is expressed through statement.